low adj. 1.低的;浅的,矮的。 low flight 低飞。 a low temperature 低温。 low tide [water] 低潮。 The glass is low. 水银柱降低了。 The water is low. 水浅了。 2.卑下的;低等的,地位低的。 a low fellow 下流人。 a man of low birth [origin] 出身低微的人。 low forms of life 下等动物。 3.粗野的,无教养的,下流的。 a low style of writing 粗俗的文体。low tastes 低级趣味。 low tricks 卑鄙手段。 4.(价值等)低廉的,低下的;(数量)少的。 low cost 低成本。 sell at a low price 廉价出售。 a low opinion of 对…评价不高。 5.消沉的,虚弱的;无精神的。 be low in spirits = be in low spirits 无精打采。 feel low情绪低落。 in a low state of health 健康状态不佳。 6.倒下的,已死的,埋葬了的。 The great man is low. 那个伟人已经去世。 7.(饮食等)粗劣的,没有营养的。 a low diet 简陋的食物。 8.近年的;时期较近的。 an event of a lower date 近期发生的事件。 relics of low antiquity 近古代的遗物。 9.低调的,低音的,(发音时)舌位放低的。 a low vowel 低母音。 speak in a low voice 低声说话。 10.〔L-〕 【宗教】(英国)低教派的,低教会的。 11.低速的。 a low gear 【机械工程】低速档。 12.〔英国〕低年级的。 13.【气象学】气压低的。 a low area 低气压区域。 low cloud ceiling 低云幕。 14.不足的,快枯竭的,缺钱的。 be low in (one's) pocket 口袋里无钱。 be low on ammunition 军火供应不足。 low morale 士气沮丧。 15.(衣服)低领的,袒胸露颈的。 a low dress 低领衣,袒胸衣[妇女夜礼服]。 adv. 1.低;低矮;在低处;往下地。 located low on the slope of a hill. 位处山坡低处。 bow low深深地鞠躬。 hit low朝下部打。 The candles are burning low. 蜡烛快点完[已很短]。 The sands are running low. 沙漏里的沙愈来愈低,时间快完;寿命将尽。 2.地位低下地,卑下地,卑劣地。 fall low堕落。 3.价格[价值]低;程度[能力]低。 buy sth. low廉价买得某物。 4.低声地,以低音调。 I cannot get (down) so low. 我不能发那么低的声音。 talk low小声谈话。 5.收入低;生活水平低。 live low过穷苦日子。 6.晚近。 I find it as low as the 18th century. 我发现近在18世纪也有。 bring low使减少;使跌落;使恶化。 lay low 打倒,砍倒(树木);杀死;埋。 lie low 1. 蹲着,倒地不起,死。 2. 〔口语〕隐匿;潜伏。 play it low (down) upon 卑鄙地对待,歧视。 run low 减少。 n. 1.(汽车等的)低速;低速齿轮。 put it in low放第一挡[低速挡]。 2.低气压区。 3.〔常pl.〕低地。 4.(竞赛的)最低分数;得分最低的人;最小王牌。 n. -ness vi.,vt. (牛)哞哞地叫;哞哞地;(牛叫似地)说(forth). n. 牛叫声,哞。
In the microelectronics industry , demand for lowing line dimensions has led to extensive efforts to explore porous materials 为适应窄线宽制程要求,多孔低介电材料是近年来介电功能领域的研究热点。
Khmer script follows complex rules of layout in which consonants may take two different forms ( e . g . , the small form is placed on a lower line if it immediately follows another consonant ) 库美尔文字的排列规则比较复杂,辅音可以有两种形式(例如,当辅音紧跟另一个辅音时,采用小写形式写在较低处) 。
Any formation that relies on heavily split mentalities will struggle with the gaps in and behind the defence that a high line leaves with low mentality defenders or a low line leaves with high mentality midfielders 任何心态设置差别过大的阵型都是会面临一个问题,那就是低心态后卫加上后防线前压或者是高心态中场加上后防线收缩时其防线上的或者是身后的漏洞。
All wire and connectors used to buid the black dragon 2 is cryogenically treated in our proprietary cold fusion deep immersion process to structurally align and fuse the metallurgical molecular bond in the conductive metals for less noise and lower line resistance 黑龙2型电缆含有的所有导线及连接器都经过我们独有的冷聚变深浸过程处理,以改变导电金属丝内部的原子键位结构,产生低电阻低噪音的效果。
In ported trials , wu gave the minimum tr of all plants , and its diurnal maximum tr persisted stability the most within the range of soil moisture 20 . 4 % - 6 . 4 % . ; nx lowered its tr and shrank its high - low lines after had experienced irregular wet - drought hardening period during culturing ; kerqin performed a plasticity as compared to field ; c . lanata also stood the most stability but on the basis of middle - high maximum tr level ; tr by caragana korshinski was high when soil water was abundant , but was lowest for lack of water ( 6 . 4 % ) 盆栽试验表明,华北驼绒藜蒸腾最弱,且在土壤含水量20 . 4 6 . 4的范围内最高蒸腾速率稳定性最强;经胁迫锻炼宁夏驼绒藜蒸腾降低,变幅减小;科尔沁驼绒藜与大田相比蒸腾可塑性较强;土壤水分变化中,北美驼绒藜蒸腾在中高水平上维持稳定的能力最强;水分良好时柠条蒸腾很强,水分胁迫中蒸腾极大降低。
Also , in theory this dissertation makes deep researches on the determining factors of the upper and low lines of issuing scale of financial instruments , on the micro economic basis of issuing scaie and inttinsic vaiue structure of financiai instruments and the inner connections among them 在理论上探讨了在经济发展的不同阶段,各种金融工具发行规模上限、下限的约束因素,各种金融工具发行规模与结构约束因素的微观经济基础以及他们之间的相互依存关系,实质经济支持虚拟经济途径与机制。
It is found that , for the specialty of our 35kv lines , we should adopt synthetic lightning protection measures of power lines as the traditional measure could hardly keep up with the lightning protection requirement for its low line lightning protection level , high stripping outrage and bad maintenance 通过研究发现,目前由于绵阳局35kv线路的特殊性, 35kv线路普遍存在采用传统的防雷措施线路耐雷水平不高、雷击跳闸率偏高、运行维护也较为困难等问题,难以满足生产上的防雷要求,需对现行线路进行防雷综合措施的处理。