
low lines中文是什么意思

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  • 例句与用法
  • In the microelectronics industry , demand for lowing line dimensions has led to extensive efforts to explore porous materials
  • Khmer script follows complex rules of layout in which consonants may take two different forms ( e . g . , the small form is placed on a lower line if it immediately follows another consonant )
    库美尔文字的排列规则比较复杂,辅音可以有两种形式(例如,当辅音紧跟另一个辅音时,采用小写形式写在较低处) 。
  • Any formation that relies on heavily split mentalities will struggle with the gaps in and behind the defence that a high line leaves with low mentality defenders or a low line leaves with high mentality midfielders
  • All wire and connectors used to buid the black dragon 2 is cryogenically treated in our proprietary cold fusion deep immersion process to structurally align and fuse the metallurgical molecular bond in the conductive metals for less noise and lower line resistance
  • In ported trials , wu gave the minimum tr of all plants , and its diurnal maximum tr persisted stability the most within the range of soil moisture 20 . 4 % - 6 . 4 % . ; nx lowered its tr and shrank its high - low lines after had experienced irregular wet - drought hardening period during culturing ; kerqin performed a plasticity as compared to field ; c . lanata also stood the most stability but on the basis of middle - high maximum tr level ; tr by caragana korshinski was high when soil water was abundant , but was lowest for lack of water ( 6 . 4 % )
    盆栽试验表明,华北驼绒藜蒸腾最弱,且在土壤含水量20 . 4 6 . 4的范围内最高蒸腾速率稳定性最强;经胁迫锻炼宁夏驼绒藜蒸腾降低,变幅减小;科尔沁驼绒藜与大田相比蒸腾可塑性较强;土壤水分变化中,北美驼绒藜蒸腾在中高水平上维持稳定的能力最强;水分良好时柠条蒸腾很强,水分胁迫中蒸腾极大降低。
  • Also , in theory this dissertation makes deep researches on the determining factors of the upper and low lines of issuing scale of financial instruments , on the micro economic basis of issuing scaie and inttinsic vaiue structure of financiai instruments and the inner connections among them
  • It is found that , for the specialty of our 35kv lines , we should adopt synthetic lightning protection measures of power lines as the traditional measure could hardly keep up with the lightning protection requirement for its low line lightning protection level , high stripping outrage and bad maintenance
    通过研究发现,目前由于绵阳局35kv线路的特殊性, 35kv线路普遍存在采用传统的防雷措施线路耐雷水平不高、雷击跳闸率偏高、运行维护也较为困难等问题,难以满足生产上的防雷要求,需对现行线路进行防雷综合措施的处理。
  • 推荐英语阅读
low lines的中文翻译,low lines是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译low lines,low lines的中文意思,low lines的中文low lines in Chineselow lines的中文low lines怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
